Sunday, July 17, 2011

Baby Shower with Argyle

 Sorry its been a while. Summer is busy...swimming lessons, VBS, beach days, pool days, and just being outside enjoying the heat that we wait so long for during the winter! I love this summer!! Each year the girls are older and can do so much more with us and its less work for me! Love it!

We recently had a baby shower for my sister kristie who is due with a baby boy in September! I found some napkins I liked and went from there. It was a fun theme to work with!!

Kristie with our beautiful Aunts!!

Preston came to visit, aunts got to admire how adorable he is!!

I am going to try and post sometime soon about the blocks behind the sink. So easy and cute to make!

I like to keep the food simple but cute! Making these trail mix bags were a hit!

My sisters and my girls.