Tuesday, December 29, 2009

packing up!

We are in the process of packing and its more work than I thought it would be. We have boxes for garage sale, for the hotel, for storage, for jeff and angies, for dumping...its crazy!!! Dan has been busy making a new home at the Meistes for the dogs. They will stay there until we move to our new house. Thank you meistes!!! He has finished that and today we will be getting the enclosed trailer for bringing boxes away! The timing of all of this couldn't be better, again God has perfect timing! Dan had to use up vacation so he is off all week and Leona is on Christmas break and is able to help out watching the girls.

Aubrey is very excited about all of this. She just really wants to go in the pool! Ellie is having a harder time, she cant quite comprehend whats happening. She tells me often she doesn't want to move, and she wants to live here forever! So sweet. This is the only home shes ever known! When we tell her how much fun she will have living next to her cousins and that they can play all the time she is excited but I think she thinks we will be living outside in the woods, she doesn't get that there will be a house there eventually! I know that she will be just fine and they will adjust! I continually tell them that it doesn't matter where we live as long as were all together as a family!!!

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