Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Well...things didn't turn out the way I had hoped. Part of me thinks its pretty cool that we have our first african american president. Another part of me is just plain worried, it just scares me when someone who is okay with taking innocent life (abortion) is about to be in charge of ours. But again, God is still the same God today as yesturday and that is a comfort for us all. So, congratulations to President elect Obama and his family. I am bummed we wont see more of that cute Sarah Palin anymore!! Have a great day bloggers!!


Blessed Mama of 2 said...

hey val.. my name is Jennifer and I am friends with your sisters cara and angie... I am new to this blog thing, but I started one myslef.. I was wondering if you could tell me how to add other peoples blogs and how you find blogs.. by the way... your daughters are adorable! thanks!

Kim said...

Love the new background!